Child Care Nurse Consultant
The Child Care Nurse Consultant is a Registered Nurse trained by Healthy Child Care Iowa that provides guidance and technical assistance to child care providers, preschools, families and communities regarding the health and safety of children. The Child Care Nurse Consultant offers a wide range of services from answering specific questions by telephone, to education for child care staff.
Who is the program for?
Services are available for Child Development Home Providers, Child Care Center and Preschool Providers, and Muscatine County parents.
How does it work?
Child Care Nurse Consultants work with child care and early education businesses. Businesses and families may call or send questions to a child care nurse consultant about health and safety policies, health programs, health of personnel, and specific child health or safety issues.
Need to contact the Muscatine Child Care Nurse Consultant?
Trinity Muscatine Public Health